Lundström Design 3D Studio

Production models, flat patterns

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Production models, 3D-modeling flat patterns

We undertake special assignments in general 3D modeling and creation of flat unfolded panels of freeform 3D panels with complex shapes. We have experience working in sheet materials such as aluminium, steel, wood, cardboard, sheets of plastic material and fabrics.

Stainless steel boat hull kit
Stainless steel boat hull exploded view
Detail stainless steel boat hull
Detail stainless steel boat hull
Large bottle wooden model frame
Large bottle wooden model frame
Large bottle wooden model frame
Large bottle wooden model frame
Large bottle wooden model frame
Cardboard Shelby Cobra kit
Cardboard Shelby Cobra model
Full scale Shelby Cobra kit
R2D2 cardboard model kit
R2D2 cardboard model
Inflatable cloud model kit
Inflatable cloud model
Inflatable cloud model
Inflatable cloud model

Metal, steel, aluminium

We have generated very complex metal structures based on unfolded 3D models, for example metal boats, often consisting of hundreds of panels. 

Wood,  plywood

We have used wood based materials extensively over the years, for example for boat hulls and interior elements, and for frames and jiggs. We have also used wood extensively for frames to point of sales objects.


Cardboard has been a favorite material for generating scale models and 3D visuals. We have also used it extensively for point of sales objects, toys, 3D kits, 3D color in models, etc. , combined with our expertise in creating complex unfolded photo realistic textures.


We have done a lot of design work in the fabrics sector, for example inflatables, suspended as well as inflatable tents, awnings. These models of course require generation of complex patterns with seam allowances, alignment marks, etc, as well as complex nesting layouts for machine cutting or pattern drawings with coordinate measurements. 

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Lundstrom Design 

Södra Långgatan 31  •  169 59 Solna • Sweden


int+46(0)708 - 345 720